All customers are hereby requested not to share information
    about their accounts and A.T.M. Cards( like Card No., CVV, PIN, OTP, etc)
    to any other persons, even if they pose as staff members.
    Arvind Sahakari Bank Ltd., never call for any such information’s from clients.
    अरविंद सहकारी बँकेच्या सर्व खातेधारकांना सुचित करण्यात येते की,
    आपल्या खात्याविषयीची तसेच ए. टी. म. कार्डची माहिती (जसे - कार्ड नंबर, सीवीवी, पिन, ओटीपी इ. )
    कुणालाही तसेच बँक कर्मचारी म्हणून जरी आग्रहाने विचारले तरीही देऊ नये.
    आपली बँक अशा प्रकारची माहिती विचारीत नाही.
  • No Lunch Break and
    Service on Weekends
    11 Hours Of
    Non-Stop Services
    Working On All
    Saturdays & Sundays
    PAN Card Facility
    Arvind ATM
    Rupay Debit Card Facility
  • उलाढालाची वाटचाल
    २००० करोड कडे
  • अरविंद ए.टी.एम. सेवा
    नोंदणी करीता शाखा व्यवस्थापकाशी संपर्क साधावा
Where Service is the Way of Life

Dr. Ashish Deshmukh

Chairman - Arvind Sahakari Bank Ltd.

Warm Greetings!

We are glad to introduce ARVIND SAHAKARI BANK LTD. into banking foray. ARVIND SAHAKARI BANK LTD., started commencing business on 1st January 2000, as per RBI license and within a short span of time created a niche not only in Katol, where Head Office/Branch is situated, but also in neighbouring places surpassing all other existing banks in terms of turnover.

Your bank has become a household name because of its uninterrupted services to customers from morning 9 am to 7 pm and also working on every Saturday and Sunday. That’s why rightly we coined our logo “Where service is the way of life” with more than 16000 shareholders, 95,000 Deposit account holders and 11,000 loan account holders.

As you are aware your bank is moving in the right direction. Be assured for prompt and courteous services at all times, whether it is Deposit facility, Loan facility or Locker facility. Please visit once and you will be fully satisfied. Your Bank is fully equipped with all modern day banking facilities like DIRECT RTGS, NEFT, FUND TRANSFER, D.D., IMPS, UPI, MOBILE BANKING, BANK GUARANTEE, LOCKERS, DEBIT CARD, PAN CARD, PFMS, PMJJBY, PMSBY, UPI QR CODE Etc., We have spot loan sanctioning system for GOLD, WAREHOUSE and such other securities at very attractive rates. Attractive gold loan schemes for agriculturist and other customer at a very attractive rate of 9.90% p.a. and for women’s 9.50% p.a. Whether it is HOUSING LOAN, MORTGAGE LOAN, VEHICLE LOAN OR EDUCATION LOAN, be frank to be in touch with our call centre numbers or any managers number and or through web site www.arvindbank.com and you will get all information, services immediately.

It's theme where "SERVICE IS THE WAY OF LIFE" is well accepted and appreciated by lot of share holders and account holders.

In Arvind Sahakari Bank Ltd. there is “NO LUNCH BREAK OR NO WEEKENDS” and our motto is service all the Time. We expect and hope all of you will be part of Arvind Bank family and I will assure that you will be satisfied with our services at all times and for Forever.

Hearty thanks.

CHAIRMAN - Arvind Sahakari Bank Ltd.